Dara Grimmer for Minnesota House SD31A

Aaniin (greetings),

My name is Dara Grimmer and I want to earn your vote for Minnesota House District 31A.

I would be honored to give voice and share ideas that will continue to improve upon our marvelous community. An inclusive and representative legislature can lead to more solutions to the needs of the people. With this, my focus within the legislature would be to bring forth laws and financial resources that promote healthier outcomes for all of our residents.

There are many things to consider, civil rights, body autonomy, and the education of our youth. The next couple of years will have long lasting impacts for generations to come. I invite you to see where my values and beliefs align with yours.

Let’s Work Together

I am always looking to work with people to make our community better.

Drop me a line and I will be happy to schedule some time with you!